MyTata Inglese organizes a free event every year to introduce families to summer opportunities.
Choose a category and reserve your spot to come discover the program we offer from June to September!
The summer labs are private in the morning (held in the homes of the families) and collective in the afternoon. A garden, a park, or a farm—every year we choose a charming location to hold our two-week collective labs. Games, treasure hunts, theater, art, and many other educational activities have for years inspired the children we teach languages to. Fun is guaranteed even for parents, who—at the end of each week—can attend the show, exhibit, or film that the children/teens have prepared. Although the groups are divided by age range, the older ones are often called upon to help organize games, lessons, or shows for the younger ones. Our system whereby the little ones are tutored by the older ones is indeed a fundamental aspect of our philosophy, which has proven its effectiveness every year for both sides, both during the school year and during our summer initiatives.
For ages 3 to 16 years. Labs at home are customizable and can be booked from June to September. Write to us to learn about the days and hours of the collective labs.
Given the recurring theme of Greek mythology in our labs, it was only natural to organize a language trip to Greece. The language school that will host us is located in a hillside village on the island of Corfu, with a wonderful secret garden (indoors, cool, and safe) and can accommodate up to 15 children of all ages. Children/teens can participate both by themselves or with one or two parents (whom we can assist in finding accommodation near the school).